

2011年6月20日 星期一

LensCrafters亮視點 引領玩味夏季時尚


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回歸自然的碎花款式是時尚界每年春夏必備的元素。洋溢著田園風情的碎花圖案配搭清新的春夏新色,能散發出少女的味道,,喚醒對大自然的鮮活記憶。如D&G 4077M 1790/13,外框沿用碎花圖案,內框是甜美的粉色設計,這來自上世紀80年代的碎花靈感,讓你同時擁有清新及高雅的氣息,是女性衣櫥中必不可少的潮流配飾 D&G 4077M 1791/8G則沿用經典型格黑色外框,配上粉嫩細緻的碎花內框,內斂中更顯格調。

亮視點 銅鑼灣利園山道39-47號寶富大廈地下J號舖及1樓M&N室, (852) 2881 7520 (852) 2881 7521

2011年6月1日 星期三

Excitement lingers as Chinese Buyers Wait in Anticipation for Band of Outsiders and Rodarte’s Participation in Pitti Uomo and Pitti W

Pitti Immagine, Italy’s renowned fashion show organizer, held its first ever Asian press conference in Hong Kong on 16th May 2011. To promote and create a strong presence for the brand’s upcoming fashion exhibition in Italy in June, Mr. Napoleone, Pitti Immagine’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) flew in specially to grace the event. 2012 Spring/Summer collections from the American-based fashion houses, Band of Outsiders and Rodarte will also be unveiled at Pitti Uomo and Pitti W, which will be luxuriant prelude to the fashion season.

With Hong Kong being Pitti Immagine’s first publicity stop, the brand hopes to take the Asian market by storm. Pitti Immagine also hopes to subsequently bridge the gap and forge connections between Italian fashion, Hong Kong and China while further enhancing Italy’s reputation as the world’s fashion industry leader.

A Highly Coveted Opportunity for International Fashion Houses
With the creative concept of modernization and innovation, Pitti Immagine provides a platform for many famous designers to showcase their collections. Moreover, Pitti Immagine’s brand philosophy is clearly explained in their decision to include inspiring costumiers Band of Outsiders and Rodarte to their 2012 Spring/Summer collections list of special guest designers.

Band of Outsiders, the fashion brand founded by former famous Hollywood talent agent Scott Sternberg, will debut in the men’s fair, Pitti Uomo. Featuring intricate hand-stitched details, slim-fit cuts and filled with simple laidback styles inspired by romance and nostalgia, the collection is the epitome of a casual but classy man.

Debuting at Pitti W womens fair, Rodarte’s collection is a fine mixture of art and technology. Recently founded in 2005, the brand was featured in numerous newspaper headlines across the world last year. Be it one-of-a-kind clothing designs or the brand’s virgin attempt at costume set designing, Rodarte has certainly won roaring applauses for their unique collections. The Mulleavy sisters of Rodarte, not only participated in the tutus design of Academy award-winning film “Black Swan”, they were also the masters behind the dress that Oscar award-winning actress, Natalie Portman, wore to the red-carpet event. Filled with a strong feminine flavour and with great attention being paid to hand-sewn details and embroidery, Rodarte is no doubt a favourite in America’s fashion scene.

2011年4月20日 星期三

最近兩位潮流達人李璨琛及余文樂分別以Subcrew及CMSS的名義,搭上alain mikli及LUKER BY NEIGBORHOOD,同步成就兩宗潮壇盛事。

 作為Subcrew主腦人之一的李璨琛,過往亦曾跟不同潮流單位合作,由Casio G-Shock至早前的金子眼鏡都屢出佳作。而是次與法國眼鏡翹楚alain mikli共事,又有甚麼新鮮事可與大家分享?

        「認識alain mikli呢個品牌好耐,一直感覺佢係好中產、好Classic,呢次合作係同旗下年輕副線mikli作Crossover,好感激佢全力協助及畀好多自由度我。不過與此同時又好頭痕,因為起初過千種辦料、顏色同Pattern放眼前,我只係發呆,後來發現唔可以貪心,只可鎖定某種色調組合,先可以順利完成。」

        是次Subcrew by mikli眼鏡共有五款,備有多種顏色搭配,在單品之內,琛仔更加入許多日本眼鏡常用的設計元素,並用上經典型號作為參照對象,當中他最鍾意眉鏡及金屬機師鏡兩款,而每副眼鏡的鏡臂均有兩個品牌的印記,以茲證明。

        查詢︰亮視點/2343 8223

2011年3月1日 星期二



肖豬、鼠 (宜水)

LensCrafters 視點香港銅鑼灣山道39-47號寶富大廈地下J號舖及1樓M&NTel:  2577 8702

2011年2月28日 星期一



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Bulgari淺紫色半透明膠框眼鏡 $2,990/a
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Dolce & Gabbana黑色綴金色logo膠框眼鏡 $2,590/a

LensCrafters亮視點 中環IFC Mall 1樓1001號鋪 2295 3619